Joint Research Platform for Eco-technology
绿色航空合作专题 Topics for Green Aviation Cooperation
Topics for Green Aviation Cooperation
2019年10月30日,CEPC与法国中国商会、中国进出口银行巴黎分行,在法国巴黎举办“绿色航空合作论坛”。 论坛就国际航空组织2050年排放标准,及航空轻量化等专题进行了讨论。论坛中,CEPC介绍了业务模式和成功案例;中铝材料院介绍了在绿色航空领域轻量化研究方向;法国十三大介绍了有关材料的研发合作需求;中兴发展法国分公司介绍了普瓦捷基地;法国模具公司介绍了产品及合作意向。论坛达成了CEPC与中兴发展法国分公司的合作意向。
October 30, 2019, CEPC and the French-Chinese Chamber of Commerce and the Export-Import Bank of China Paris Branch hold "Green Aviation Cooperation Forum" in Paris, France. The forum discussed topics such as the International Aviation Organization ’s 2050 emission standards and aviation lightweighting. In the forum, CEPC introduced the business model and success stories; China Aluminum Materials Institute introduced the direction of lightweight research in the field of green aviation; Thirteen French universities introduced the demand for R & D cooperation on materials; ZTE Development France Branch introduced Poitiers base; French mold company introduced products and cooperation intentions. The forum reached a cooperation intention between CEPC and ZTE Development France Branch.