Innovation Center for Nuclear Fuel
- 创新愿景:促进绿色核燃料技术发展,避免核燃料给环境和人类带来的危害。
- 研究内容:核燃料处理技术、核燃料自循环技术、核安全技术。
- 合作项目:极寒地区分布式发电系统、海洋工程能源自维持系统、第四代核燃料自循环系统、同位素核燃料处理技术
- Innovative Vision:Promote the development of green nuclear fuel technology, avoid the harm caused by nuclear fuel to the environment and humans.
- Research content: Nuclear fuel treatment technology, Nuclear fuel self-circulation technology, Nuclear safety technology.
- Cooperation projects: Distributed power system in extreme cold regions, Marine engineering energy self-sustaining system, The IV nuclear fuel self-circulation system, Isotope nuclear fuel treatment technology.